"GALLESI SRL" operates in the field of the making of moulds and in the cold forming (moulding) of parts in sheet metals of small dimensions.

We are in possession of the quality UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 N° QE/001/20 from sector EA 17 released the 03/10/2014, updated 09/12/2020 and expired the 02/10/2023 (certificate issued by ENTE CERTIFICATORE INTERNAZIONALE Q-AID). Second surveillance performed the 02/10/2022.

The firm is equipped with N/C welding machines.




such as three wire electroerosion welding machines and for the production of presses



which can work both on strips for small quantities, or on an automatic conveyor belt for more consistent productions.

"GALLESI SRL" works to orders, on designs or samples supplied by the client.

There are at present thirteen employees which allows for considerable cost savings on the product which is produced. The client receives an accurate service both in terms of quality of product supplied and in the flexibility concerning the prompt delivery at a very reasonable price.

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